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./node_modules/.pnpm/@copilotkit+shared@1.1.0/node_modules/@copilotkit/shared/dist/index.js:149:1 Module not found: Can't resolve 'crypto'
In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, React developers often find themselves navigating through a myriad of libraries, frameworks, and tools. With so many options available, it can be…
在不断发展的 Web 开发环境中,React 开发人员经常发现自己在无数的库、框架和工具中导航。
在本文中,我为 React 开发人员编译了一些最有用的开源项目,以加快您的编码工作流程。
CopilotKit 是一个开源框架,旨在构建、部署和运营完全定制的 AI 副驾驶,例如应用内 AI 聊天机器人、AI 代理和 AI 文本区域。
它支持自托管,并与任何 LLM 兼容,包括 GPT-4。
一些最有用的功能包括 👇
🧠 **了解上下文:**副驾驶通过实时应用程序上下文获得信息。
🚀 **发起行动:**提高工作效率和行动参与度。
📚 **检索知识:**从任何数据源增强生成。
🎨 **自定义设计:**在聊天中显示自定义 UX 组件。
🤖 **使用 AI 编 辑文本:**自动完成、插入/编辑和自动初稿。
CopilotKit 是将生产就绪的 Copilots 添加到您的产品中的最简单方法!
感谢 CopilotKit 团队与我合作撰写本文!
SWR 是一个用于数据获取的 React Hooks 库。
它支持无缝数据加载、缓存和与 UI 同步,通过处理数据获取逻辑来优化 React 应用程序的性能。
React Router 是 React 应用程序的声明式路由库。
它允许开发人员定义导航规则并将 URL 映射到 React 组件,从而在单页应用程序中实现动态和直观的路由。
一个强大的库,用于有效地管理 React 应用程序中的表单。
它提供了一个简单直观的 API,提供表单验证、错误处理以及与 React 组件的轻松集成等功能。
Recharts 是一个使用 React 和 D3 构建的可组合图表库。
它提供了广泛的可定制和交互式图表,使在 Web 应用程序中可视化数据变得容易。
Motion 是一个用于在 React 应用程序中创建动画和手势的库。
它通过提供用于定义动画和手势的声明性 API,使开发人员能够构建流畅的交互式用户界面。
React Spring is a spring-physics-based animation library for React.
It provides a simple way to create smooth, interactive animations for web and mobile applications.
React email provides a component for composing and sending emails.
It simplifies integrating email functionality into React projects, offering a convenient solution for developers who need to incorporate email capabilities seamlessly.
Remotion is a toolkit for building videos programmatically.
It enables developers to create dynamic and interactive videos using familiar React components and JSX syntax.
React Diagrams is a library for building interactive diagrams and flowcharts.
With customizable nodes and links, it provides a flexible solution for visualizing complex data structures and workflows.
React Icons provides a vast collection of customizable icons.
With support for popular icon libraries like Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, and more, developers can easily enhance their UIs with visually appealing icons.
React Player is a flexible and accessible media player component.
It supports various media formats including video and audio, and offers features like playback controls, customization options, and support for multiple sources.
React PDF enables the generation of PDF documents.
It provides a declarative way to define the structure and content of PDFs, making it easy to create and customize documents within React applications.
React Cosmos is a dev tool for creating reusable React components.
It allows developers to work on isolated components separately, making it easier to develop, test, and visualize components in different states.
Reactotron is a desktop app for inspecting and debugging React and React Native applications.
It provides tools for monitoring state, tracking actions, and debugging network requests, offering valuable insights into app performance and behavior.
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